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Reading Part Of A File In S3 Using Boto

I am trying to read 700MB file stored in S3. How ever I only require bytes from locations 73 to 1024. I tried to find a usable solution but failed to. Would be a great help if som

Solution 1:

S3 supports GET requests using the 'Range' HTTP header which is what you're after.

To specify a Range request in boto, just add a header dictionary specifying the 'Range' key for the bytes you are interested in. Adapted from Mitchell Garnaat's response:

importbotos3= boto.connect_s3()
bucket = s3.lookup('mybucket')
key = bucket.lookup('mykey')
your_bytes = key.get_contents_as_string(headers={'Range' : 'bytes=73-1024'})

Solution 2:

import boto3

obj = boto3.resource('s3').Object('mybucket', 'mykey')
stream = obj.get(Range='bytes=32-64')['Body']

boto3 version from

Solution 3:

Please have a look on the python script here

import boto3
region = 'us-east-1'# define your region here
bucketname = 'test'# define bucket
key = 'objkey'# s3 file 
Bytes_range = 'bytes=73-1024'
client = boto3.client('s3',region_name = region)
resp = client.get_object(Bucket=bucketname,Key=key,Range=Bytes_range)
data = resp['Body'].read()

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