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Python Webdriver To Handle Pop Up Browser Windows Which Is Not An Alert

I am working on a web application, in which clicking on some link another popup windows appears. The pop windows is not an alert but its a form with various fields to be entered b

Solution 1:

Switching to a popup is challenging for at least two separate reasons:

  1. The one that many people know, which is that you need to use driver.switch_to.window(window_handle) both when the popup appears, so that you can find elements in the popup window, and after the popup is closed, so that you can find elements back in the main window.
  2. The one that only people with slow machines are likely to encounter, which is that when Selenium makes a window handle available as a variable, it's initially set to None, and takes a little while before it's filled in with a value.

Here's some code that addresses those issues while carrying out your requested sequence. I'm leaving out the import statements, and I'm using variable names that I hope are obvious. Also, note that I like to use find_element(s)_by_xpath in my code; feel free to use other find_element(s)_by methods:

main_window_handle = Nonewhilenot main_window_handle:
    main_window_handle = driver.current_window_handle
driver.find_element_by_xpath(u'//a[text()="click here"]').click()
signin_window_handle = Nonewhilenot signin_window_handle:
    for handle in driver.window_handles:
        if handle != main_window_handle:
            signin_window_handle = handle
driver.switch_to.window(main_window_handle) #or driver.switch_to_default_content()

Please let me know if someone (maybe me) needs to add more to the example, or provide other info, to make it more clear.

Solution 2:

If its a new window or an iframe you should use the driver.switch_to_frame(webelement) or driver.switch_to_window(window_name). This should then allow you to interact with the elements within the popup. After you've finished, you should then driver.switch_to_default_content() to return to the main webpage.

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