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Printing On New Line - Python

having some trouble stu = [] inp = input('Students: ') stu.append(inp) print('Class Roll') for i in stu: print(i) All I want this to do is print all of the inputs in 'stu' on a

Solution 1:

When you try this simple example:

>>>stu = []>>>inp = input('Students: ')
Students: a b c
'a b c'
<class 'str'>

You can see that inp is a string and therefore there's just one record in stu.

I'm not sure whether you are expecting just space separated (or other separator) names like John, Joe, Josh or so, in which case you should use split():

>>> stu += inp.split(' ')
>>> stu
['a', 'b', 'c']

Or do it in a loop:

stu = []
    inp = input('Add a student: ')
    ifnot inp:

Also read the difference between list.append() and list.expand(). append creates one new item in the list while expand (or += operator) iterates trough iterable object x and adds new item in every iteration.

But your printing loop is correct:

>>>stu = []>>>inp = input('Students: ')
Students: Joe Josh John
>>>inp.split(' ')
['Joe', 'Josh', 'John']
>>>stu += inp.split(' ')>>>print('Class Roll')
Class Roll
>>>for i in stu:...print(i)...

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