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How To Add A Link To Text In Tkinter Text Widget With Feedparser?

I would like to build a simple rss reader. I use the following code: import tkinter as tk import feedparser import sqlite3 import webbrowser NewsFeed = feedparser.parse('https://ww

Solution 1:

You need to use tag_bind() instead of bind() because bind() is widget-wise:

def output():
   for i in range(40):
        entry = NewsFeed.entries[i]
        textInput.tag_config("a",  foreground="black")
        # str(i) is used in tag_bind() and "a" can be used for showing the link in underline
        textInput.insert(tk.END,  entry.title + "\n\n", ("a", str(i))) 
        textInput.insert(tk.END,  entry.summary + "\n\n", "b")
        textInput.tag_bind(str(i), "<1>", lambda e, callback(url))


textInput.tag_configure("a", underline=True) # show link with underline

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