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Typeerror At /userregis/ __init__() Got An Unexpected Keyword Argument 'username'

The question I meet is that, when I use UserReg.objects.create(), it will report things above. And I really had look up the solution for seaveral hours, but it doesn't work. So I

Solution 1:


clienter = UserReg.objects.create_user( user_name, password = pass_word,email = user_mail )


clienter = UserReg.objects.create_user( username=user_name, password = pass_word,email = user_mail )

Solution 2:

You can try this in another way.

user = UserReg()
user.username = user_name = user_mail

and try by adding this in your user model

    class Meta(AbstractUser.Meta):
         swappable = 'AUTH_USER_MODEL'

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