Replacing Html Tags With Beautifulsoup
Solution 1:
This question probably refered to an older version of BeautifulSoup because with bs4 you can simply use the unwrap function:
s = BeautifulSoup('<li><div><p><strong>stff</strong></p></div><li>')
>> <div></div>
>> <p></p>
>> <html><body><li><strong>stff</strong></li><li></li></body></html>
Solution 2:
What you want to do can be done using replaceWith
. You have to duplicate the element you want to use as the replacement, and then feed that as the argument to replaceWith
. The documentation for replaceWith
is pretty clear on how to do this.
Solution 3:
I saw many answers for this simple question, i also came here to see something useful but unfortunately i didn't get what i was looking for then after few tries I found a simple solution for this answer and here it is
soup = BeautifulSoup(htmlData, "html.parser")
h2_headers = soup.find_all("h2")
for header in h2_headers: = "h1"# replaces h2 tag with h1
All h2 tags converted to h1. You can convert any tag by just changing the name.
Solution 4:
You can write your own function to strip tags:
import re
return re.sub(r'<.*?>', '', string)
Solution 5:
Simple solution get your whole node means div
- Convert to string
- Replace
with required tag/string. - Replace corresponding tag with empty string.
Convert the converted string to parsable string by passing to beautifulsoup
What I have done for
<divclass="col-md-12 option"itemprop="text"><spanclass="label label-info">A</span> **-2<sup>31</sup> to 2<sup>31</sup>-1**
sup = opt.sup if sup: //opt has sup tag then//opts converted to string. opt = str(opts).replace("<sup>","^").replace("</sup>","") //replacing//again converted from string to beautiful string. s = BeautifulSoup(opt, 'lxml') //resign to required variable after manipulation opts = s.find("div", class_="col-md-12 option")
-2^31to2^31-1 without manipulation it will like this (-231to231-1)
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