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How To Get Rid Of The Resize Attribute Error?

I'd like to know if I did something wrong in my code or if I have to update something cause every single time I try to resize an image I have this: Attribute Error 'PhotoImage' ob

Solution 1:

The error means what it says, PhotoImage object does not have resize attribute, then what has? It is the Image object that has resize. You can remove your first PhotoImage(because it uses resize), as its no use:

image1 ="enseigne.JPEG")
imageresize = image1.thumbnail((500,500), Image.ANTIALIAS)
imageresize = ImageTk.PhotoImage(imageresize)
limage = tk.Label(app, image=imageresize)

If you want shorter code:

image1 = ImageTk.PhotoImage("enseigne.JPEG").thumbnail((500,500), Image.ANTIALIAS))

limage = tk.Label(app, image=image1)

Obvious question: You are not calling resize but why are you getting such error? It is because thumbnail uses resize implicitly(based on conditions).

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