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How Can Tornado Serve A Single Static File At An Arbitrary Location?

I am developing a simple web app with Tornado. It serves some dynamic files and some static ones. The dynamic ones are not a problem, but I am having trouble serving a static file.

Solution 1:

StaticFileHandler expects two arguments, so if you want a single url (/foo.json) to be mapped to your file path you can use:

app = tornado.web.Application([
(r'/foo.json()', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {'path': '/path/to/foo.json'})

The regex will match /foo.json and send the empty capture group (), which will cause the filepath to be used as is. When the capture group is not empty, /path/to/foo.json will be treated as a directory /path/to/foo.json/, and the handler will try to match whatever is within the capture group to a file name in that directory.

Solution 2:

Something like this should work:

import os
import tornado.ioloop
import tornado.web

    definitialize(self, path):
        self.dirname, self.filename = os.path.split(path)
        super(MyFileHandler, self).initialize(self.dirname)

    defget(self, path=None, include_body=True):
        # Ignore 'path'.super(MyFileHandler, self).get(self.filename, include_body)

app = tornado.web.Application([
    (r'/foo\.json', MyFileHandler, {'path': '/path/to/foo.json'})


The URL pattern and the filename need not be related, you could do this and it would work just as well:

app = tornado.web.Application([
    (r'/jesse\.txt', MyFileHandler, {'path': '/path/to/foo.json'})

Solution 3:

StaticFileHandler gets is file name from the regex capturing group and the directory name from its path argument. It will work if you use /path/to/ as the path:

(r'/(foo\.json)', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {'path': '/path/to/'})

StaticFileHandler is designed for cases where URLs and filenames match; if you can't arrange to have this file available on disk under the same name you want to serve it as you'll have to use a custom handler.

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