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Store User Information With Redis Or Mongodb

I need to store some user and document state information in a json-like object. For example: { 'name': 'Henry', 'company': 'Disney', 'is_recommended': true, 'plan_t

Solution 1:

You can build a secondary index for the company field with a SET or LIST:

SADD company:Disney userid1
SADD company:Disney userid2
SADD company:OtherCompany userid3

When you need to update the data, do the following steps:

  1. Search the company index to get user ids: SMEMBERS company:Disney
  2. Search the user index to get the user attribute: for each user do: GET userid
  3. Update the attribute
  4. Update the user index: for each user do: SET userid new-attributes

This the built-in way to achieve the goal, it needs more work, and a little complex.

However, as @Not_a_Golfer mentioned in the comment, Redis has a module called RediSearch to do the work for you. If you are playing with Redis 4.0 or above, you can try it.

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