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Python Trueskill - Using Dictionaries

I'm trying out the Trueskill package from Python and have the basics worked out, For a two player match up I can do alice = Rating() bob = Rating() alice, bob = rate_1vs1(alice, b

Solution 1:

I did similar thing for applying to a TV show:

defaultdict and groupby may help you to achieve what you want:

from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import groupby
from pprint import pprint
from trueskill import Rating, rate

results = [(1, 'alice', 2),
           (1, 'bob', 1),
           (1, 'eve', 3),
           (2, 'alice', 1),
           (2, 'eve', 1),
           (3, 'bob', 1),
           (3, 'carol', 2),
           (3, 'alice', 3),
           (3, 'ted', 4),
           (3, 'eve', 5)]
ratings = defaultdict(Rating)

for game_id, result in groupby(results, lambda x: x[0]):
    result = list(result)
    rating_groups = [(ratings[name],) for game_id, name, rank in result]
    ranks = [rank for game_id, name, rank in result]
    transformed_groups = rate(rating_groups, ranks=ranks)
    for x, (game_id, name, rank) inenumerate(result):
        ratings[name], = transformed_groups[x]


The result I got:

{'alice': trueskill.Rating(mu=23.967, sigma=4.088),
 'bob': trueskill.Rating(mu=36.119, sigma=5.434),
 'carol': trueskill.Rating(mu=29.226, sigma=5.342),
 'eve': trueskill.Rating(mu=16.740, sigma=4.438),
 'ted': trueskill.Rating(mu=21.013, sigma=5.150)}

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