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Python 3: I Am Trying To Find Find All Green Pixels In An Image By Traversing All Pixels Using An Np.array, But Can't Get Around Index Error

My code currently consists of loading the image, which is successful and I don't believe has any connection to the problem. Then I go on to transform the color image into a np.arra

Solution 1:

In direct answer to your question, the y axis is given first in numpy arrays, followed by the x axis, so interchange your indices.

Less directly, you will find that for loops are very slow in Python and you are generally better off using numpy vectorised operations instead. Also, you will often find it easier to find shades of green in HSV colourspace.

Let's start with an HSL colour wheel:

enter image description here

and assume you want to make all the greens into black. So, from that Wikipedia page, the Hue corresponding to Green is 120 degrees, which means you could do this:

#!/usr/local/bin/python3import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

# Open image and make RGB and HSV versions
RGBim ="image.png").convert('RGB')
HSVim = RGBim.convert('HSV')

# Make numpy versions
RGBna = np.array(RGBim)
HSVna = np.array(HSVim)

# Extract Hue
H = HSVna[:,:,0]

# Find all green pixels, i.e. where 100 < Hue < 140
lo,hi = 100,140# Rescale to 0-255, rather than 0-360 because we are using uint8
lo = int((lo * 255) / 360)
hi = int((hi * 255) / 360)
green = np.where((H>lo) & (H<hi))

# Make all green pixels black in original image
RGBna[green] = [0,0,0]

count = green[0].size
print("Pixels matched: {}".format(count))

Which gives:

enter image description here

Here is a slightly improved version that retains the alpha/transparency, and matches red pixels for extra fun:

#!/usr/local/bin/python3import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

# Open image and make RGB and HSV versions
im ="image.png")

# Save Alpha if present, then removeif'A'in im.getbands():
    savedAlpha = im.getchannel('A')
    im = im.convert('RGB')

# Make HSV version
HSVim = im.convert('HSV')

# Make numpy versions
RGBna = np.array(im)
HSVna = np.array(HSVim)

# Extract Hue
H = HSVna[:,:,0]

# Find all red pixels, i.e. where 340 < Hue < 20
lo,hi =  340,20# Rescale to 0-255, rather than 0-360 because we are using uint8
lo = int((lo * 255) / 360)
hi = int((hi * 255) / 360)
red = np.where((H>lo) | (H<hi))

# Make all red pixels black in original image
RGBna[red] = [0,0,0]

count = red[0].size
print("Pixels matched: {}".format(count))


# Replace Alpha if originally presentif savedAlpha isnotNone:

Keywords: Image processing, PIL, Pillow, Hue Saturation Value, HSV, HSL, color ranges, colour ranges, range, prime.

enter image description here

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