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Issubclass Of Abstract Base Class Sequence

This list shows what methods you need to implement for your class to be 'regarded' as Sequence: __getitem__, __len__, __contains__, __iter__, __reversed__, index, and count. So why

Solution 1:

Use the source, Luke!

Sequence does not implement its own __subclasshook__, and all the implementations of __subclasshook__ from the parents of Sequence have checks like this:


    @classmethoddef__subclasshook__(cls, C):
        if cls is Iterable:  # <<<<if _hasattr(C, "__iter__"):

You can however explicitly register() your class as a Sequence:


As for the reason why Sequence does not implement __subclasshook__, see issue 16728 (which title was initially " shoud provide __subclasshook__"). The issue can be summarized by saying that a sequence can be many things, depending on the needs of who uses it:

Many algorithms that require a sequence only need __len__ and __getitem__. [...] is a much richer interface.

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