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Dask Broadcast Not Available During Compute Graph

I am experimenting with Dask and want to ship a lookup pandas.DataFrame to all worker nodes. Unfortunately, it fails with: TypeError: (''Future' object is not subscriptable', 'occu

Solution 1:

Instead of this:

df_second_dask['foo'] = df_second_dask.apply(lambda x: foo(x, df_first_scattered), axis = 1, meta=('baz', 'int64'))

Try this instead:

df_second_dask['foo'] = df_second_dask.apply(foo, args=[df_first_scattered], axis = 1, meta=('baz', 'int64'))

Previously you were hiding the future inside of a lambda function. Dask wasn't able to find it in order to turn it into the proper value. Instead, when we pass the future as a proper argument Dask is able to identify it for what it is and give you the value properly.

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