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Swampy.turtleworld Not Working In Python 3.4

I m currently learning python using the ThinkPython book, am using python 3.4 and the Anaconda IDE. Part of what I need to continue is to install a module called swampy. I installe

Solution 1:

The book shows these directions if you've downloaded the source code:

from TurtleWorld import *
world = TurtleWorld()
bob = Turtle()

If you want to run the code after installing with pip, this should work:

from swampy.TurtleWorld import *
world = TurtleWorld()
bob = Turtle()

The reason what you're doing isn't working is because TurtleWorld is a module within the swampy package, which contains a functions with the same name, i.e. TurleWorld. So when you do import swampy and then try calling swampy.TurtleWorld you're trying to call a module rather than the function.

Solution 2:

I'm currently studying that book, too. I solved this problem by adding:

import swampy.TurtleWorld

to ensure that the TurtleWorld module in the swampy module runs in your shell. This works as long as your Python version is 3.4 or 3.5.

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