Spark Request Max Count
I'm a beginner on spark and I try to make a request allow me to retrieve the most visited web pages. My request is the following mostPopularWebPageDF = logDF.groupBy('webPage').agg
Solution 1:
In pyspark + sql:
mostPopularWebPageDF = sqlContext.sql("""select webPage, cntWebPage from (
select webPage, count(*) as cntWebPage, max(count(*)) over () as maxcnt
from logDF
group by webPage) as tmp
where tmp.cntWebPage = tmp.maxcnt""")
Maybe I can make it cleaner, but it works. I will try to optimize it.
My result:
webPage cntWebPage 2
for dataset:
webPage usersid 1 3 10
Explanation: normal counting is done via grouping + count(*) function. Max of all these counts are calculated via window function, so for dataset above, immediate DataFrame /without dropping maxCount column/ is:
webPage count maxCount 2 2 1 2
Then we select rows with count equal to maxCount
EDIT: I have deleted DSL version - it does not support window over () and ordering is changing result. Sorry for this bug. SQL version is correct
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