Buffon's Needle Simulation In Python
Solution 1:
The sampling of the needle's alignment should be a uniform cosine. See the following link for the method: http://pdg.lbl.gov/2012/reviews/rpp2012-rev-monte-carlo-techniques.pdf
Also, there were a few logical problems with the program. Here is a working version.
import numpy as np
def sample_cosine():
while rr > 1.:
return cc
class Buffon_needle_problem:
def __init__(self,x,y,n,m):
self.x = float(x) #width of the needle
self.y = float(y) #witdh of the space
self.r = [] #coordinated of the centre of the needle
self.z = [] #measure of the alignment of the needle
self.n = n #no of throws
self.m = m #no of simulations
self.p = self.x/self.y
self.pi_approx = []
def samples(self):
# throwing the needles
for i in range(self.n):
return [self.r,self.z]
def simulation(self):
# m simulation
for j in range(self.m):
# n throw
hits = 0 #setting the success to 0
for i in range(self.n):
#condition for a hit
if self.r[i]+self.z[i]>=self.y or self.r[i]-self.z[i]<0.:
hits += 1
est =self.p*float(self.n)/float(hits)
return self.pi_approx
y = Buffon_needle_problem(1,2,80000,5)
print (y.simulation())
Solution 2:
Buffon's needle work accurately only when the distance between the two lines is double the length of needle. Make sure to cross check it.
I have seen many baffon's online simulation which are doing this mistake. They just take the distance between two adjacent lines to be equal to the needle's length. That's their main logical errors.
Solution 3:
I would say that the problem is that you are defining the alignment of the needle by a simple linear function, when in fact the effective length of the needle from its centre is defined by a sinusoidal function.
You want to calculate the effective length of the needle (at 90° to the lines) by using a function that will calculate it from its angle.
Something like:
self.z.append(np.cos(np.random.uniform(-np.pi/2, np.pi/2))*self.x)
This will give the cosine of a random angle between -90° and +90°, times the length of the needle.
For reference, cos(+/-90) = 0
and cos(0) = 1
, so at 90°, the needle with have effectively zero length, and at 0°, its full length.
I have neither mathplotlib or numpy installed on this machine, so I can't see if this fixes it, but it's definitely necessary.
Solution 4:
Looks like you were committing a simple rounding error. The code below works, though the results are not very close to pi...
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
class Buffon_needle_problem:
def __init__(self,x,y,n,m):
self.x = x #width of the needle
self.y = y #witdh of the space
self.r = []#coordinated of the centre of the needle
self.z = []#measure of the alingment of the needle
self.n = n#no of throws
self.m = m#no of simulations
self.pi_approx = []
def samples(self):
# throwing the needles
for i in range(self.n):
return [self.r,self.z]
def simulation(self):
# m simulations
for j in range(self.m):
for i in range(self.n):
# n throws
hits = 0 # setting the succes to 0
for i in range(self.n):
# condition for a hit
if self.r[i]+self.z[i]>=self.y or self.r[i]-self.z[i] <= 0.0:
hits += 1
hits = 2.0*(float(self.x)/self.y)*float(self.n)/float(hits)
return self.pi_approx
y = Buffon_needle_problem(1,2,40000,5)
print (y.simulation())
Also note that you were using the same sample for all simulations!
Solution 5:
I used Python turtle to approximate the value of Pi:
from turtle import *
from random import *
setworldcoordinates(-100, -200, 200, 200)
ht(); speed(0); color('blue')
drops = 20 # increase number of drops for better approximation
hits = 0 # hits counter
# draw parallel lines with distance 20 between adjacent lines
for i in range(0, 120, 20):
pu(); setpos(0, i); pd()
fd(100) # length of line
# throw needles
for j in range(drops):
goto(randrange(10, 90), randrange(0,100))
y1 = ycor() # keep ycor of start point
pd(); fd(20) # draw needle of length 20
y2 = ycor() # keep ycor of end point
if y1//20 != y2//20: # decisive test: if it is a hit then ...
hits += 1 # increase the hits counter by 1
print(2 * drops / hits)
Output samples
With 50 drops 3.225806451612903
with 200 drops 3.3057851239669422
with 1000 drops 3.1645569620253164
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