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Python - Nose Not Discovering Package Level Tests In Django

I'm setting up a directory structure for my Django app to separate functional and unit tests. I am using nose as the test runner for my Django project. At the root of the Django pr

Solution 1:

This all depends on what kind of code is in tests/unit/

When you say

nosetests tests.unit

You are pointing to unit/ not the directory unit/ thus if you had no tests in your module then nothing would be run. So it is understandable when you say you used the directory path and then your tests started working.

You mention

What am I missing? My main issue is that I have a setup function in that should be called for creating the data in the test DB for the upcoming tests.

It is likely that although you have a setup function in you may have not ever imported your test functions into

One quick fix to this would be to add this line in

from tests.unit.tests import *

That said it is really not very wise to be putting any code in at all and if you have code that returns some kind of configuration data I would recommend creating a new library module with functions that will return configuration data to your tests

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