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Python List Of Dictionaries Projection, Filter, Or Subset?

I'm trying to create what I think is a 'projection' from a larger dictionary space onto a smaller dimension space. So, if I have: mine = [ {'name': 'Al', 'age': 10}, {'name': 'Ber

Solution 1:

Sounds like a job for list comprehensions, whether you like them or not.

>>> [{"name": d["name"]} for d in mine]
[{'name': 'Al'}, {'name': 'Bert'}, {'name': 'Charles'}]

The solution without a list comprehension would require an additional function definition:

def project(key, d):
    return {k: d[k]}

map(partial(project, "name"), mine)

Or a lambda (yuck):

map(lambda d: {"name": d["name"]}, mine)

Solution 2:


print([{'name': d['name']} for d in mine])


[{'name': 'Al'}, {'name': 'Bert'}, {'name': 'Charles'}]

Solution 3:

In case we want to preserve more than one key:

input_dicts = [
    {"name": "Al", "age": 40, "level": "junior"},
    {"name": "Bert", "age": 30, "level": "mid"},
    {"name": "Charles", "age": 20, "level": "senior"}

selected_keys = ("name", "level")

    {key: value for key, value in a_dict.items() if key in selected_keys}
    for a_dict in input_dicts
[{'name': 'Al', 'level': 'junior'},
 {'name': 'Bert', 'level': 'mid'},
 {'name': 'Charles', 'level': 'senior'}]

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