Subprogram Which Takes All The Predefined Variables From A "main Program"
Solution 1:
You are correct that classes are a good way to structure your code.
A class can maintain its own state, and has pre-defined behaviour that can be manipulated through methods and properties.
However, I am not going to give general advice about using classes, because that is off-topic for stackoverflow, which focuses on specific programming problems. If you want to know more, just do a web-search for python books/tutorials on the subject - there are dozens of good ones out there.
Instead, I will do my best to re-structure the code in your question to use a class. The code below is for illustration purposes only. It is not meant to be a complete, runnable example. Hopefully there are enough hints there to give you an idea of how to proceed:
import numpy as np
import sk_calc
class MyDia(QtGui.QDialog, Dlg):
def __init__(self):
def onPRED(self):
if self.button_1.isChecked():
a = 1
elif self.button_2.isChecked():
a = 2
a = 0
query = np.zeros((1,18))
# ... etc
# when user has made his choices the data goes do this
# create an instance of the Calc class, passing in
# parameters from the gui
calc = sk_calc.Calc(a)
# call methods of the instance, passing in parameters
# from the gui, and receiving returned values
prediction = calc.pred(query)
# calc.plot() ... etc
import numpy as np
from sklearn.svm import SVR
# import other stuff from scikitlearn
DEFAULT_CSVPATH = 'path/to/some/file.csv'
class Calc(object):
def __init__(self, a, csvpath=None):
if csvpath is None:
# reading in a csv file with my data = np.genfromtxt(
csvpath , delimiter=';', dtype=float,
skip_header=2, usecols=range(0,22))
self.features = data[:,4:22] # the "X" of my DATA
self.targets = data[:,1] # the "Y" of my DATA
# Regression using the DATA, a comes from user click
self.svr_rbf = SVR(kernel='rbf', C=2e4, gamma=a)
# method of scikit-learn, targets).predict(features)
def pred(self, query):
# query is defined by the user in the gui typing in some values
prediction = self.svr_rbf.predict(query)
return prediction
def plot(self):
# ... use pylab with DATA features and targets
# ...
# self.features ...
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