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Searching An Array For A Value Faster Than Np.where(ar==value) Using Fortran And F2py

I was trying to locate the index of a value on a numpy array (same for hundreds of them) using np.where. Its not that slow but its a bottleneck so i began experimenting with fortra

Solution 1:

It's been sometime since I worked with fortran and f2py, but I did something similar with cython last year.

In a Hungarian algorithm search problem, I needed to find the first 0 value in a 2d array, subject to row and column masking arrays.

So using where (argwhere is just np.transpose(np.where(...)), the function was:

def find_a_zero(self):
    # find first uncovered 0 cost
    rc = np.argwhere((self.cost + self.rc[:,None] + == 0)
    if rc.shape[0]>0:
        return tuple(rc[0])
        return None, None

I got a good speedup with argmax:

def find_a_zero(self):
    # big help time wise, 16->10 for n=200
    cond = (self.cost + self.rc[:,None] + == 0
    if np.count_nonzero(cond):
        idx = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(cond), cond.shape)
        return idx
    return None, None

np.where uses count_nonzero to determine the size of its return arrays. argmax, when operating on a boolean, short circuits on the fist True.

I got even better speed with this cython version:

cdef find_a_zero(int[:,:] cost, int[:] row_cover, int[:] col_cover):
    n = cost.shape[0]
    m = cost.shape[1]
    cdef size_t r, c
    for r in range(n):
        for c in range(m):
            if (cost[r,c]==0) and (row_cover[r]==0) and (col_cover[c]==0):
                row = r
                col = c
                return r, c
    return -1, -1

If my memory of cython is correct, definitions like int[:,:] cost invoke its typed memoryview. which has efficient lowlevel array operations.

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