Search For Name In Cx_Oracle
I have var='smth' and I need to check if var exists in the table 'smtb' I tried something this, but it does not work: rows=curs.fetchall() for row in rows: if var==row:
Solution 1:
Don't do this in Python. If you want to search for something in a database table by far the quickest and most efficient way is to do it in SQL. Don't forget to use bind variables.
Assuming you have a cursor object curs
it might look something like this (assuming your table is unique on var
>>> sql = "select * from my_table where var = :var"
>>> bind_variables = {'var' : 'smth'}
>>> curs.execute(sql, bind_variables)
[<cx_Oracle.STRING with value None>]
>>> results = curs.fetchall()
>>> results
>>> try:
... var = results[0][0]
... print ('Yes')
... except IndexError:
... print ('No')
Then if you're looking for something that doesn't exist you get the following.
>>> bind_variables = {'var' : 'other'}
>>> results = curs.fetchall()
>>> results
>>> try:
... var = results[0][0]
... print ('Yes')
... except IndexError:
... print ('No')
The actual reason why you don't get what you expect is that cx_Oracle returns a list of tuples as per PEP 249. You're expecting only one column to be returned so you need an access the 0 index of the tuple, if you want to do it in the manner you are.
>>> rows = [('other',),('smth',)]
>>> var = 'smth'
>>> for row in rows:
... if var == row[0]:
... print ('Yes')
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