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Python „stack Overflow” (104 If Statements). Is Def(x) The Only Solution To Optimise Code?

Today have tried to check files with path directory name. Previously it worked, until I tried to create 104 if/else statements. How to dispose of this overflow error? More specifi

Solution 1:

I have found the optimal solution: To use def(x) it's the best solution now. (loop)

list = ['enfj','enfp','entj','entp','esfj','esfp','estj','estp','infj','infp','intj','intp','isfj','isfp','istj','istp']

def get_label(path, list=list):
  for psychoType in list:
       if psychoType in path:
           return psychoType

data["psychoType"] = data["path"].apply(get_label)

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