Finding All Possible Subsequences In A Given String
I have written this piece of code and it prints all substrings of a given string but I want it to print all the possible subsequences. from itertools import combinations_with_repla
Solution 1:
Use combinations
to get subsequences. That's what combinations
is for.
from itertools import combinations
def all_subsequences(s):
out = set()
for r in range(1, len(s) + 1):
for c in combinations(s, r):
return sorted(out)
>>> all_subsequences('HELLO')
['E', 'EL', 'ELL', 'ELLO', 'ELO', 'EO', 'H', 'HE', 'HEL', 'HELL', 'HELLO', 'HELO',
'HEO', 'HL', 'HLL', 'HLLO', 'HLO', 'HO', 'L', 'LL', 'LLO', 'LO', 'O']
>>> all_subsequences('WORLD')
['D', 'L', 'LD', 'O', 'OD', 'OL', 'OLD', 'OR', 'ORD', 'ORL', 'ORLD', 'R', 'RD',
'RL', 'RLD', 'W', 'WD', 'WL', 'WLD', 'WO', 'WOD', 'WOL', 'WOLD', 'WOR', 'WORD',
'WORL', 'WORLD', 'WR', 'WRD', 'WRL', 'WRLD']
Solution 2:
One simple way to do so is to verify if the list you are making already has the case that you are iterating over. If you have already seen it, then skip it, if not, then append it to your list of seen combinations.
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
lst = []
for i,j in combinations_with_replacement(range(len(s)), 2):
if s[i:(j+1)] not in lst:
lst.append(s[i:(j+1)]) # save new combination into list
print(lst[-1]) # print new combination
To be sure that all cases are covered, it really helps to make a drawing of combination that the loop will go over. Suppose a generic string, where letters are represented by their position in the python list, for example 0 to 3.
Here are the numbers generated by "combinations_with_replacement"
00, 01, 02, 03,
11, 12, 13,
22, 23,
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