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Cannot Import Name "is_sklearn_available" From ""

I installed the package sentence_transformers via conda. It was successful; however, I cannot load them in jupyter notebook. I kept receiving the error as below. I have already upg

Solution 1:

I have faced this issue too. In my case, after restarting the jupyter kernel it worked without problems.

In my case, first I installed transformers 3.4.0, but had to downgrade to 3.1.0 due to a TF 2.1 compatibility issue. I downgraded without restarting the kernel and I got the same error message. After kernel restart, everything worked fine.

Solution 2:

I faced this error as well. My mistake was that I was trying to import is_sklearn_available from transformers/data/ when I should have been importing it from transformers/ Please check your files for a better picture.

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