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How To Create And Delete Database Using Mssql+pyodbc Connection String Using Python

I have a database engine as the below: from sqlalchemy import create_engine import pydoc # connect db engine = create_engine('mssql+pyodbc://xxxx\MARTRNO_EXPRESS/toolDB?driver=SQL

Solution 1:

Well! I solved this by creating a new connection in database .py file as the below code and by adding the autocommit = True:

conn = pyodbc.connect("driver={SQL Server};server=WINKPN-3B5JTT2\SMARTRNO_EXPRESS; database=master; trusted_connection=true",

And Tried to access this connection by the below code:

from database import connec

def create_all_tables_from_db():
    create_all_tables_query = "CREATE DATABASE MyNewDatabase"


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