Error Importing NLTK On PyCharm
Solution 1:
You'd be much better off sticking with the latest version of pip (1.5.6) and just telling it that you don't care about the security of your python packages:
pip install --allow-all-external --allow-unverified ntlk nltk
If you really want to be sure an install runs without complaint, you can also tell it not to overwrite any existing installations:
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall --allow-all-external --allow-unverified ntlk nltk
And sudo if you get file write permission errors.
Solution 2:
I use PyCharm but never install packages through PyCharm, I always use Terminal and install them with mostly pip or easy_install (in my virtual environment). Maybe you can just install the package from terminal..
sudo pip install nltk
sudo easy_install nltk
(if you don't have pip installed)
And then in PyCharm, make sure in preferences you set your Project Interpreter to the python path with your installed packages.
Solution 3:
I have run into this (and just did again), I don't remember exactly where I found the answer, but it's an openssl version + local certificate issue (spoken like someone who's only vaguely familiar with the concepts). The way I have worked around this is to downgrade pip:
easy_install pip==1.2.1
After that you should be able to pip install again.
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