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Showing posts from December, 2022

Django: Not Found Static/admin/css

I just deployed my first Django app on Heroku but I notice that it doesn't have any CSS like wh… Read more Django: Not Found Static/admin/css

TypeError: Unsupported Operand Type(s) For /: 'str' And 'float'

I am using Python 2 but I'm getting an error: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: &#… Read more TypeError: Unsupported Operand Type(s) For /: 'str' And 'float'

TypeError: Unsupported Operand Type(s) For /: 'str' And 'float'

I am using Python 2 but I'm getting an error: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: &#… Read more TypeError: Unsupported Operand Type(s) For /: 'str' And 'float'

Transposing A Column In A Pandas Dataframe While Keeping Other Column Intact With Duplicates

My data frame is as follows selection_id last_traded_price 430494 1.46 430494 1.48 4… Read more Transposing A Column In A Pandas Dataframe While Keeping Other Column Intact With Duplicates

Numpy - Why Z[(0,2)] Can Be View For Some Cases And Be Copy In The Others?

Continuation to the question numpy - why Z[(0,2)] is view but Z[(0, 2), (0)] is copy?. I got the an… Read more Numpy - Why Z[(0,2)] Can Be View For Some Cases And Be Copy In The Others?

How To Get Windows User's Full Name In Python?

I'm trying to get the user's full name. Not the login name, but the full name that shows up… Read more How To Get Windows User's Full Name In Python?

How To Install Poppler In Ubuntu 15.04?

Poppler is a PDF rendering library based on the xpdf-3.0 code base. I have already downloaded the t… Read more How To Install Poppler In Ubuntu 15.04?

Error While Using The Precision Metric For MNIST Digit Classification

I am trying to achieve a high Precision score on the MNIST dataset using Tensorflow and Keras. My c… Read more Error While Using The Precision Metric For MNIST Digit Classification

Multiple Panel In Wxpython

Is it possible to have multiple panel in wxpython? I want to have something like this: import… Read more Multiple Panel In Wxpython

Pygame Change Cursor To OS Cursor

Is there a simple way to use pygame to switch to an OS-defined cursor? For example, switching to th… Read more Pygame Change Cursor To OS Cursor

[python][selenium] On-screen Position Of Element

I would like to know the on-screen position of some element. I know how to get the position of an e… Read more [python][selenium] On-screen Position Of Element

Find Path From A List Of Tuples In Python

I have a list of tuples of the form: data = [('Abe', 'Bob', '3'), … Read more Find Path From A List Of Tuples In Python

Python 3.5 - Selenium - How To Handle A New Window And Wait Until It Is Fully Loaded?

I am doing browser automation and I am blocked at a certain point: at a moment, I ask the browser t… Read more Python 3.5 - Selenium - How To Handle A New Window And Wait Until It Is Fully Loaded?

Writing And Reading A Dictionary In Specific Format (Python)

Sorry another newbie query :| To build upon the suggestion which was given here, optimizing I nee… Read more Writing And Reading A Dictionary In Specific Format (Python)

Why And When To Use Django Mark_safe() Function

After reading the document, the function of mark_safe() is still unclear. I guess it is related to … Read more Why And When To Use Django Mark_safe() Function

Choose Variable With Highest Value (Python)

How do I make Python choose the variable with the hightest integer value? E.g a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 d =… Read more Choose Variable With Highest Value (Python)

Pillow And JPEG2000: Decoder Jpeg2k Not Available

I'm trying to set up Flask-IIIF to work with jp2-files, or JPEG2000. Right out of the box I get… Read more Pillow And JPEG2000: Decoder Jpeg2k Not Available

Django Nginx Getting Csrf Verification Error In Production Over Http

I've just deployed my django project on AWS with nginx. Everything works well except for when w… Read more Django Nginx Getting Csrf Verification Error In Production Over Http

Curses-like Library For Cross-platform Console App In Python

I'm looking into developing a console application in python which should be able to run under W… Read more Curses-like Library For Cross-platform Console App In Python

Circular Queue Python

I am trying to make a circular queue in Python so that when the last element in the array is reache… Read more Circular Queue Python

Python Beautiful Soup Only Scraping The Lower Part Of The Page

I'm trying to pull product info from a rather large apparel website page, but soup only appears… Read more Python Beautiful Soup Only Scraping The Lower Part Of The Page

How To Optimize Time While Converting List To Dataframe?(Part II)

I didn't get any proper answers to my previous question: How to optimize time while converting … Read more How To Optimize Time While Converting List To Dataframe?(Part II)

Python: Accept User Input At Any Time

I am creating a unit that will do a number of things, one of them counting cycles of a machine. Wh… Read more Python: Accept User Input At Any Time

Replace Missing Values At Once In Both Categorical And Numerical Columns

Is there a way to replace NAN values in both categorical columns as well as numerical columns at on… Read more Replace Missing Values At Once In Both Categorical And Numerical Columns

Python Variables Not Defined After If __name__ == '__main__'

I'm trying to divvy up the task of looking up historical stock price data for a list of symbols… Read more Python Variables Not Defined After If __name__ == '__main__'

How To Write Back To A Certain Cell In Google Doc Spreadsheet Using Python

So the problem is, i get some information from first column of the row (for example A2 ) from the s… Read more How To Write Back To A Certain Cell In Google Doc Spreadsheet Using Python

Importing Txt File To Replace Certain Strings In A Dataframe (pandas)

I am trying to replace certain strings within a column in a dataframe using a txt file. I have a da… Read more Importing Txt File To Replace Certain Strings In A Dataframe (pandas)

Flask: How To Read A File In Application Root?

My Flask application structure looks like application_top/ application/ … Read more Flask: How To Read A File In Application Root?

Pytest : Cannot Mock __init__ Of My Class

I am having a custom Db class, which has the basic operations. I am trying to write tests around it… Read more Pytest : Cannot Mock __init__ Of My Class