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Python List Of Ints In Prepared Sql Statement

My question is somewhat the same as Python list of String to SQL IN parameter but I have a list of integers. The python code I use is: ids = [1000032, 1000048] sql = 'SELECT CompNo

Solution 1:

IMO a more readable way to build a dynamic query string with placeholders using str.format

ids = [1000032, 1000048]
sql = 'SELECT CompNo, CompName, CompType FROM Component WHERE DeptID IN ({0})' 
sql = sql.format(','.join('?' * len(ids)))
cursor.execute(sql, (ids,))

Solution 2:

You cannot provide the IN-list as one argument. You need to provide the exact number of place holders in the SQL IN clause, and then provide the array to the execute method:

ids = [1000032, 1000048]
sql = 'SELECT CompNo, CompName, CompType FROM Component WHERE DeptID IN (' \
       + (',?' * len(ids))[1:] + ')'
cursor.execute(sql, ids)

Solution 3:

The more simpler and clean way to do it

ids = [1000032, 1000048]
sql = 'SELECT CompNo, CompName, CompType FROM Component WHERE DeptID IN %(ids)s' % {"ids": tuple(ids)}

Solution 4:

you should cast the array of int to array of strings:


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