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Calling Variables From Other Files In Python

I'm trying to import files and here is the situation. contains: from file2 import * username = 'steven' action() contains: def action(): print username Bu

Solution 1:

A better approach is to not rely on globals from another module, and simply pass the name into the file2.action() function:

import file2

username = "steven"


def action(name):
    print name 

Solution 2:

What you intend, in the way you want,would require file1 import file2 and vice-versa - in a plain code, that would lead to a circular import, which plainly does not work.

But besides that, if your functions, classes or methods on a file need to know about data that is on the context of a file that imported them, the right thing to do is to pass this data in as function parameters.

In your case, your "action" function should be:

def action(username):
    print username 

and on file1:

from file2 import action
username = "steven"


(You also should avoid using "import *" as it hides where names come from when reading the code, making it hard to maintain)

Of course, Python being Python, there are work-arounds to do exactly what you want - you could create a special decorator to use on your imported functions that would recreate your function from another file, pointing it to the global variables from the current module - but that would be just silly.

The "OOP" paradigm allows for one silly case which is more or less like what you are intending to do - where a method uses a class attribute - and if that attribute is overridden in a subclass, the method - even the original superclass method, will use the new attribute value - like in:

class A(object):
    username = ""
    def action(self):
         print self.__class__.username

and class B could be defined in other file, as you intend to:

from file2 import A
class B(A):
    username = "Mike"

b = B()

And now, just for giving you a complete answer - here is some code that will do what you want - but _don't do it - modify yoru functions to take parameters instead.

What can be done is having a function to read the global variables of the place from where it was called. That is not only "not a good pratice" - it is just wrong, except for some very well documented frameworks where "magic variable names" are used for configuration. Even when I find a framework with this bad habit, I tend to patch its functions so that I can pass the configuration explicitly via a function call.

from inspect import currentframe

def action():
    caller_frame = current_frame(1)
    caller_globals = caller_frame.f_globals
    print caller_globals["username"]

Solution 3:

But didn't import; how's it supposed to know that username even exists?

Incidentally, I try to avoid circular dependencies in my code (i.e. module x import module y, and module y imports module x), so simply importing file1 into file2 may not be the best solution.

Solution 4:

No, file2 cannot access the global variables in file1 without explicitly importing them. This is actually a good thing, since otherwise, a project which imports a bunch of modules would easily be overwriting eachothers data accidentally.

Why not make the username an argument of the method?

from file2 import action
username = "steven"

def action(username):
   print username

Solution 5:

It's best if you use classes, as they scale quite easily:

from file2 import ExtendedClass

class MyClass(object, ExtendedClass):
  def __init__(self):
    self.username = 'steven'

class ExtendedClass:
  def action(self):
    print self.username

Even though somewhat hacky-methods exist and solve your problem, you'll appreciate classes once you use them.

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