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How Do I Solve This Error While Attempting An SVN Export Using Pysvn?

I am attempting to use the Python SVN bindings (pysvn) to do an export on a repository and am encountering the following error: python: subversion/libsvn_subr/dirent_uri.c:955: svn

Solution 1:

Subversion API uses canonical URL and paths internally. You URL have trailing slash and this is not canonical URL. Remove trailing slash or use svn_uri_canonicalize() function to canonicalize URL before calling Subversion API functions.

You can find more details in Subversion API documentation:

Solution 2:

I tried using the svn+ssh:// scheme and got the same error. This lead me to believe that the assertion failure might not actually be related to the repo URI. On a whim, I changed the export directory to /tmp/ and everything worked fine. The directory I was trying to use previously (./temp) exists in my home directory which is on an NFS mount with the "root squash" option enabled. This has been known to cause odd application issues before.

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