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Python 3 Print Generator

There is a problem when i deal with print() function(Python 3). When I'm looking for sum of a series I may use the following code pattern: >>> sum(i for i in range(101))

Solution 1:

sum takes an iterable of things to add up, while print takes separate arguments to print. If you want to feed all the generator's items to print separately, use * notation:

print(*(i for i in range(1, 101)))

You don't actually need the generator in either case, though:

sum(range(1, 101))
print(*range(1, 101))

If you want them on separate lines, you're expecting the behavior of multiple individual calls to print, which means you're expecting the behavior of a regular loop:

for item in generator_or_range_or_whatever:

though you also have the option of specifying '\n' as an item separator:

print(*generator_or_range_or_whatever, sep='\n')

Solution 2:

This behavior isn't too much different than on python2.x:

Python 2.7.5 (default, Mar  9 2014, 22:15:05) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 5.0 (clang-500.0.68)] on darwin
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>>> print (i*i for i in range(30))
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x10c034a50>

Generally speaking, if you want to actually know the items, a list might be easiest (it just requires the addition of a couple square brackets:

print [i*i for i in range(30)]

or on python3.x:

print([i*i for i in range(30)])

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