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Showing posts from September, 2022

How To Format Columns With Headers Using OpenPyXL

I am trying to format certain columns in a date format. I am able to successfully change an individ… Read more How To Format Columns With Headers Using OpenPyXL

Process Finished With Exit Code 134 (interrupted By Signal 6: SIGABRT) In Python OpenCV

import numpy as np import cv2 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while(True): # Capture frame-by-frame… Read more Process Finished With Exit Code 134 (interrupted By Signal 6: SIGABRT) In Python OpenCV

Set Column Names In Pandas Data Frame From_dict With Orient = 'index'

I looked already at this question: pandas create named columns in dataframe from dict. However, my … Read more Set Column Names In Pandas Data Frame From_dict With Orient = 'index'

Why Are Lil_matrix And Dok_matrix So Slow Compared To Common Dict Of Dicts?

I want to iteratively build sparse matrices, and noticed that there are two suitable options for th… Read more Why Are Lil_matrix And Dok_matrix So Slow Compared To Common Dict Of Dicts?

What Are Some Good Data Augmentation Techniques For Document Images?

I have 1000 resume in png format and I am implementing MaskRcnn for object detection. What data aug… Read more What Are Some Good Data Augmentation Techniques For Document Images?

ARIMA Model For Certain Lags

I want to estimate parameters for an ARIMA model. I do this in python with the arima function. Now,… Read more ARIMA Model For Certain Lags

Optional Parameters, Certain Combination Of Them Required

I have a general question as well as a specific use case. Optional parameters are easy enough: def … Read more Optional Parameters, Certain Combination Of Them Required

Can't Start A Python Console In Pycharm

OS:win7 x64 When I click the 'python console' tab, I get the following output. I had succes… Read more Can't Start A Python Console In Pycharm

I Want To Grab All Emails From An Inbox Using The Python IMAPLIB Module... How Can I Do This?

This is where I am at, but I'm not sure where to go from here: import imaplib import email c… Read more I Want To Grab All Emails From An Inbox Using The Python IMAPLIB Module... How Can I Do This?

Python 2.7 Memory Leak With Scipy.minimze

During a fit procedure, my RAM memory slowly but steadily (about 2.8 mb every couple of seconds) in… Read more Python 2.7 Memory Leak With Scipy.minimze

Apache With Virtualenv And Mod_wsgi : ImportError : No Module Named 'django'

I'm trying to serve a little django project with the following Apache configuration : Apache vi… Read more Apache With Virtualenv And Mod_wsgi : ImportError : No Module Named 'django'

Retrieve Full Connection URI From Airflow Postgres Hook

Is there a neater way to get the complete URI from a Postgres hook? .get_uri() doesn't include … Read more Retrieve Full Connection URI From Airflow Postgres Hook

How To Print Values From Lists In Tabular Format (python)?

Using python 2.7, I want to display the values in tabular format, without using pandas/prettytable.… Read more How To Print Values From Lists In Tabular Format (python)?

Pyparsing: Extract Variable Length, Variable Content, Variable Whitespace Substring

I need to extract Gleason scores from a flat file of prostatectomy final diagnostic write-ups. Thes… Read more Pyparsing: Extract Variable Length, Variable Content, Variable Whitespace Substring

How To Send A SIGINT To Python From A Bash Script?

I want to launch a background Python job from a bash script and then gracefully kill it with SIGINT… Read more How To Send A SIGINT To Python From A Bash Script?

POST Requests With Headers And Data Results In 200 Ok Response But No User Added

Before creating this query checked few existing posts in this topic and followed the steps there, S… Read more POST Requests With Headers And Data Results In 200 Ok Response But No User Added

Cartesian Product Of Nested Dictionaries Of Lists

I have some code that generates all the combinations for a dictionary of lists import itertools imp… Read more Cartesian Product Of Nested Dictionaries Of Lists

Render Jinja After JQuery AJAX Request To Flask

I have a web application that gets dynamic data from Flask when a select element from HTML is chang… Read more Render Jinja After JQuery AJAX Request To Flask

Why Do Sqlalchemy Session.close Not Log "rollback"?

# I've set echo=True when doing create_engine, so I can see all the sql stmt # DBSession is Sco… Read more Why Do Sqlalchemy Session.close Not Log "rollback"?

Keras CNN Training Accuracy Is Good But Test Accuracy Is Very Low

Please give me any comment for these CNN results. I have used 2000 training images and 400 test ima… Read more Keras CNN Training Accuracy Is Good But Test Accuracy Is Very Low

Inconsistent Indentation With Python After Split

edit in progress will re-submit sometimes later edit in progress will re-submit sometimes later edi… Read more Inconsistent Indentation With Python After Split

Spyder Startup Trouble

I have troubles to start Spyder. This is the error message: Traceback (most recent call last): File… Read more Spyder Startup Trouble

Python Crash With PyHook.HookManager() On KeyDown [ctrl]+[c]

I am creating a python script to record the keys that I press across my system (keylogger) and call… Read more Python Crash With PyHook.HookManager() On KeyDown [ctrl]+[c]

_transform() Takes 2 Positional Arguments But 3 Were Given

I try to build a pipeline with variable transformation And i do as below import numpy as np import … Read more _transform() Takes 2 Positional Arguments But 3 Were Given

Split Unicode String Into 300 Byte Chunks Without Destroying Characters

I want to split u'an arbitrary unicode string' into chunks of say 300 bytes without destroy… Read more Split Unicode String Into 300 Byte Chunks Without Destroying Characters

Python 2.7: Read File With Chinese Characters

I am trying to analyze data within CSV files with Chinese characters in their names (E.g. '粗1 2… Read more Python 2.7: Read File With Chinese Characters

Pypyodbc - Invalid Cursor State When Executing Stored Procedure In A Loop

I have a python program which uses pypyodbc to interact with MSSQL database. A stored procedure is… Read more Pypyodbc - Invalid Cursor State When Executing Stored Procedure In A Loop

Python Tkinter Button.invoke Method Trouble

I'm playing about with a motion controller, therefore to 'click' a button I am finding … Read more Python Tkinter Button.invoke Method Trouble

How To Work With A Very Large "allowed_domains" Attribute In Scrapy?

The following is my scrapy code: def get_host_regex(self, spider): '''Override this… Read more How To Work With A Very Large "allowed_domains" Attribute In Scrapy?

Animate A Collection Of Patches In Matplotlib

I'm trying to animate a set of particles that follow trajectories in x, y and z. Each object ha… Read more Animate A Collection Of Patches In Matplotlib