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Kivy Touch And Keyboard Events Passing Through To Desktop

I am using the Kivy framework to develop a UI application in Python 3. The Kivy application is fullscreen. Whenever I perform a touch event or type with my physical keyboard, the u

Solution 1:

I think this is caused by using Kivy's rpi-specific window provider, which uses a low level interface with the hardware in order to perform more efficiently, but in turn doesn't interact with the desktop in a normal way - specifically, input and drawing bypass the normal mechanisms.

If you want to use the app in a desktop, I think you can use the normal window backends (ideally SDL2) by recompiling Kivy against them, although this may run slower. However, if you don't actually need the desktop (e.g. if Kivy will be the only thing that needs to run), another advantage of this window provider is that it doesn't actually need X11 etc, in which case you could just not start them to avoid the problem.

Also see this github issue on the topic.

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