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Error With Crunchbase API Wrapper Pycrunchbase

I tried importing the pycrunchbase api wrapper and i get the following error. It is a API wrapper that use the Crunchbase API platform Doc:

Solution 1:

This is likely because your OS X is referencing an older version of six, that is not in your pip installed directory.

Pip installs in /Library/[..] while your system python installs in /System/Library/[..]

If you pip install six, it probably installs 1.9.0, but when you go into your python console, and type
>>> import six
>>> six.__version__
You'll probably get the above.

There's two options...the first and easiest is to just implement a virtualenv.

The second is to go to /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/Extras/lib/python and $ rm six.pyc This will then force your console to reference your pip directory as opposed to your python dir, and the proper version will be referenced.

Hope that makes sense.

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