Adding A Column To Dask Dataframe, Computing It Through A Rolling Window
Solution 1:
I have tried to solve it through a closure. I will post benchmarks on some data, as soon as I have finalized the code. For now I have the following toy example, which seems to work: since dask dataframe's apply methods seems to be preserving the row order.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import dask.dataframe as dd
number_of_components = 30
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,number_of_components,size=(number_of_components, 2)), columns=list('AB'))
my_data_frame = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions = 1 )
def sumPrevious( previousState ) :
def getValue(row):
nonlocal previousState
something = row['A'] - previousState
previousState = row['A']
return something
return getValue
given_func = sumPrevious(1 )
out = my_data_frame.apply(given_func, axis = 1 , meta = float)
df['computed'] = out.compute()
Now the bad news, I have tried to abstract it out, passing the state around and using a rolling window of any width, through this new function:
def generalised_coupled_computation(previous_state , coupled_computation, previous_state_update) :
def inner_function(actual_state):
nonlocal previous_state
actual_value = coupled_computation(actual_state , previous_state )
previous_state = previous_state_update(actual_state, previous_state)
return actual_value
return inner_function
Suppose we initialize the function with:
init_state = df.loc[0]
coupled_computation = lambda act,prev : act['A'] - prev['A']
new_update = lambda act, prev : act
given_func3 = generalised_coupled_computation(init_state , coupled_computation, new_update )
out3 = my_data_frame.apply(given_func3, axis = 1 , meta = float)
Try to run it and be ready for surprises: the first element is wrong, possibly some pointer's problems, given the odd result. Any insight?
Anyhow, if one passes primitive types, it seems to function.
the solution is in using copy:
import copy as copy
def new_update(act, previous):
return copy.copy(act)
Now the functions behaves as expected; of course it is necessary to adapt the function updates and the coupled computation function if one needs a more coupled logic
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