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How To Add "pytube" Downloading Info To Tqdm Progress Bar?

I am trying make a YouTube video downloader. I want make a progress bar while downloading the YouTube video but I cant get any info (how many MB have been downloaded or how many vi

Solution 1:

To access the progress of the download, you can use the on_progress_callback argument when creating a YouTube instance.

The pytube quickstart says the following:

The on_progress_callback function will run whenever a chunk is downloaded from a video, and is called with three arguments: the stream, the data chunk, and the bytes remaining in the video. This could be used, for example, to display a progress bar.

from pytube import Stream
from pytube import YouTube
from tqdm import tqdm

def progress_callback(stream: Stream, data_chunk: bytes, bytes_remaining: int) -> None:

url = ""
yt = YouTube(url, on_progress_callback=progress_callback)
stream = yt.streams.get_highest_resolution()
print(f"Downloading video to '{stream.default_filename}'")
pbar = tqdm(total=stream.filesize, unit="bytes")
path =
print(f"Saved video to {path}")

Sample output:

Downloading video to 'YouTube Rewind 2019 For the Record  YouTubeRewind.mp4'
100%|██████████████████████████████| 87993287/87993287 [00:17<00:00, 4976219.51bytes/s]
Saved video to /tmp/testing/YouTube Rewind 2019 For the Record  YouTubeRewind.mp4

Pytube has a built-in progress bar, but it does not use tqdm. Please see for more information.

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