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Convert A Pandas Dataframe To A Pyspark Dataframe

I have a script with the below setup. I am using: 1) Spark dataframes to pull data in 2) Converting… Read more Convert A Pandas Dataframe To A Pyspark Dataframe

Cheking If An Object Has An Attribute, Without Relying On '__getattr__'

Is there a way to check if an object has an attribute, that doesn't rely on __getattr__ or obje… Read more Cheking If An Object Has An Attribute, Without Relying On '__getattr__'

How To Prevent Pandas From Converting Datetimes To Datetime64

Need I am trying to export a dataframe to a Parquet file, which will be consumed later in the pipel… Read more How To Prevent Pandas From Converting Datetimes To Datetime64

Is It Ok To Use Module Constants As Default Function Arguments In Python?

Basically something like this: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 10 # or even: from my_settings import DEFAULT_TIME… Read more Is It Ok To Use Module Constants As Default Function Arguments In Python?

Python : Creating A New Process

I am new to Python . I was supposed to create a GUI with multiple menus . On clicking a particular … Read more Python : Creating A New Process

Python Invalid Syntax If Statement

I'm trying to make a quiz in python but I keep getting invalid syntax errors. #This is for addi… Read more Python Invalid Syntax If Statement

Scipy Minimize: How To Pass Args To Both The Objective And The Constraint

My MWE is as follows def obj(e, p): S = f(e) + g(p) return S I would like to minimize this… Read more Scipy Minimize: How To Pass Args To Both The Objective And The Constraint

Why Isn't Sqlalchemy Creating Serial Columns?

SQLAlchemy is generating, but not enabling, sequences for columns in postgresql. I suspect I may b… Read more Why Isn't Sqlalchemy Creating Serial Columns?

Context Manager To Validate Data

I'm trying to mull over a good solution to this and nothing is coming to mind. As an exercise, … Read more Context Manager To Validate Data

Make Utf8 Readable In A File

I have dictionary of dictionary which has utf8 encoded keys. I am dumping this dictionary to a file… Read more Make Utf8 Readable In A File

How To Change The Pixel Color Of A Photoimage Python

So i have a program for gui i want to change the pixel color based on the values of the rgb sliders… Read more How To Change The Pixel Color Of A Photoimage Python

Problems Using Psycopg2 On Mac Os (yosemite)

Currently I am installing psycopg2 for work within eclipse with python. I am finding a lot of probl… Read more Problems Using Psycopg2 On Mac Os (yosemite)

Django Query Error: How Do I Properly Query My Total Likes To Show In The Home Screen?

Can anyone advise on how to query the `total_likes of a post to be shown in my HTML, I tried, but w… Read more Django Query Error: How Do I Properly Query My Total Likes To Show In The Home Screen?

Using Regex To Search Until Desired Pattern

I am using the following regex: orfre = '^(?:...)*?((ATG)(...){%d,}?(?=(TAG|TAA|TGA)))' % (… Read more Using Regex To Search Until Desired Pattern

Not Able To Print In Color On Terminal

As given in an answer on Print in terminal with colors using Python? , I am trying to print in colo… Read more Not Able To Print In Color On Terminal

Extracting Text From Xml Using Python

I have this example xml file Chapter 1 Welcome to Chapter 1 Cha</div><h2 id="solutio… Read more Extracting Text From Xml Using Python

Loading Javascript Library In Python Using Pyv8

I am trying to use some features of the leaflet.js library in my Python code. And in order to execu… Read more Loading Javascript Library In Python Using Pyv8

Easy_install Lxml On Python 2.7 On Windows

I'm using python 2.7 on Windows. How come the following error occurs when I try to install [lxm… Read more Easy_install Lxml On Python 2.7 On Windows

Create Upper And Lower Triangular Matrix In Python

I want to create a python program that computes a matrix from a vector with some coefficients. This… Read more Create Upper And Lower Triangular Matrix In Python